Is your Organic Chem class destroying your confidence?
Are you doing what you’ve always done to master other classes, but suddenly it’s not enough?
Are you overwhelmed with trying to memorize page after page of reactions, reagents, mechanisms, arrows, and more?
I get it. I’ve been there! In fact…
I nearly failed Organic Chemistry!
Now, you might be wondering how I went from near failure to Organic Chemistry “expert.”
And how I've been teaching orgo students for a decade,
helping them learn from my failures and avoid my pitfalls.
You see, my first mistake had been not realizing that Organic Chemistry is different from all other difficult science courses.
I was approaching it the same way as I approached other sciences… which set me up for failure right from the start.
Showing up for lectures wasn't enough.
Taking careful notes wasn't enough.
Participating and asking questions wasn't enough.
Reading the textbook, trying to do the homework problems, memorizing those I got wrong, and working harder and harder just WASN'T ENOUGH.
And THAT is exactly why I created the Organic Chemistry Study Hall.
Here's what's in it for YOU! Your Membership Includes:
- Video Library of 100+ in-depth Orgo 1 and Orgo 2 Topics and Subtopics that teach the “what and why” so you can actually understand and follow what the heck is going on in each chapter (value: $100 each, over $6000 in all!).
- Full Color PDF Notes for EACH video. This is not your boring over-the-top black & white textbook.
- Practice questions with video solutions. Once you understand a topic, then you can see it in many different ways, practice alternate applications, and learn how to look out for tips, tricks, and shortcuts. (Orgo exams are notorious for being too long for a very short amount of time.)
- COMING SOON: Practice Worksheets + Step By Step Solving Sessions to get even more practice (value: $200/month).
- Exclusive Facebook Tutoring & Support Community of like-minded fellow orgo students to answer questions and collaborate! You'll never have to feel alone or in competition (value: $500/month).
Join the Orgo Study Hall for Only…
$79/month $149 for the Summer! (That's 50% savings off the monthly subscription!!) I charge my private tutoring clients $249/hour. And to cover everything listed above would takes us dozens of hours and thousands of dollars.
Now, having been a cash-strapped student myself, I know how tight your budget might be. The cool thing about the Orgo Study Hall is that it will SAVE YOU time AND money!
For a Limited Time! Save even more with the Summer Orgo Study Hall Pass.
Get the support you need, when you need it, for over 2 MONTHS at only $149. That's access from now through August 31st.
This discounted offer expires on Tuesday, June 15th! Don't miss out! Join now!
By signing up for the Study Hall, you are agreeing to the terms of use
Over 100 videos – and this isn't fully updated with the most recent sessions.
(Click the image below to enlarge)
“I felt much more confident as an Organic Chemistry student with Leah's help. The video library in the Study Hall and the regular live sessions were an invaluable resource. I didn't feel lost like so many of my classmates. Her straightforward approach helped me understand the material. I highly recommend Leah4sci for any organic chemistry student. You'll be so glad you did!!! – Kyndra E.
“I can say with confidence that Leah is one of the best tutors I have come in contact with during my 3 year school experience. I am a returning non-traditional student that needed some extra help so I hired various tutors around campus. None proved to help me for a variety of reasons (did my homework without explanation, impatience, lack of knowledge, etc.), so I gave up on tutors and then found Leah online.
I was hesitant to try again but Leah’s Orgo Study Hall proved to be the complete opposite of previous tutors and I am glad I gave in.” – Kathy J.