Is your MCAT the one, BIG hurdle standing in the way of your Medical School dreams?
Do you kinda/sorta have a plan?
Perhaps something you read online, got from a generic program/website, or heard from your inexperienced advisor…. but deep down you can’t envision how it's really going to prepare you for test day?
Do you wish there was a more custom solution? One that takes your personal experience, your academic history, study nature, tendencies, progress, scores, school/work/life schedule into consideration for the ultimate custom MCAT plan FOR YOU?
One that not only works, but makes you feel confident about your journey, every step of the way? No more guessing?
The problem with many programs is that they are generic,
One size fits all, and if you can’t fit in,
Too bad!
Many advisors go off data they read online.
They don’t know if it’ll really work for you.
They don’t understand you.
And does it REALLY matter when it’s not THEIR future and THEIR dream on the line?
When you attempt to conform your schedule to their standards you feel like a square peg in a round hole.
You find yourself falling off track, feeling like a failure because you’re not achieving the promised results!
Think about it for a moment,
Is it really your fault?
If you slacked off then sure, it’s your fault.
But if you worked hard day after day, week after week,
Sacrificed time with family and friends to study
And STILL feel off track…
I’d argue that the plan was faulty because it didn’t take YOU and YOUR unique requirements into consideration.
In personally working with thousands of premeds over the last decade I’ve seen this over and over again.
and I understand your frustrations.
I also understand exactly where to eliminate the confusion and disconnect.
The solution: a one-on-one session to create a custom strategy taking YOUR personal needs and requirements into consideration.
And yes, this is something I currently offer called the ‘Strategy Session’ ($499 on my website).
This is a 2-part video chat.
Prior to our chat, you share with me your background/data.
Then we chat to come up with a custom plan together.
And this continues to be a very enlightening experience.
The relief I hear from students after a session is amazing.
“I really needed to hear this Leah”
“I didn’t realize, but this is exactly what I needed. Now I know exactly what to do every day, every week.”
Thing is, even with these sessions, there’s always SO MUCH MORE I want to discuss with each student.
Each session lasts about an hour, but I usually have at least 2 hours of information/feedback/examples I’d like to share.
And let’s face it, a one-on-one strategy session is not feasible for every student due to a wacky schedule or tight budget.
So I thought long and hard about it,
“What is it about a strategy session that leaves the student feeling so confident and motivated??
What are the questions and scenarios that come up over and over again?
What are the examples I wish I could include and elaborate on in great detail to ensure YOU feel 100% confident with your next steps and overall journey?
And most importantly, what is the theme BEHIND this custom approach, and can I teach students how to apply it? So that they can individually?”
How can YOU:
- Understand and create your own custom plan?
- Understand how to evaluate, modify and tweak it as frequently as needed, including changes in school/work schedule, or modifications based on progress data?
Created especially for students on a budget that does not afford a program like the study hall or private tutoring sessions, yet still need guidance!
The MCAT Strategy Bootcamp
An in-depth self paced bootcamp video series that takes you through the entire step-by-step Strategy to help you create a custom, flexible, and 100% unique MCAT plan.
Strategy Bootcamp Sessions Sessions Include:
- Video 1: “Introduction, How to Start, Setting Goals and Targets”
- Video 2: “Creating a Daily/Weekly Study Schedule – Full time MCAT, Work, Family, School…”
- Video 3: “Creating Solid Study Blocks in Phase 1, 2 and 3”
- Video 4: “Creating a Backwards Calendar with Targets & Milestones and Evaluation Points”
- Video 5: “How to Review your Full Lengths to see best results on your NEXT Full Length”
Full color PDF notes with every bootcamp session with access to the everything below a total of 60 days from purchase date!
This ensures you have more than enough time to review, create a plan, test in real life, and review again to help you improve.
Bonus ‘Strategy Reboot' live series
I'm currently running a strategy reboot office hours series for study hall members. This is a series of live sessions where students follow along with this very bootcamp, then show up to office hours so that we can review them together. your targets, your goals, your progress, your schedule, your long-term plan and your post-exam review tables.
These sessions are happening NOW (in June) and the recordings will be added to the Bootcamp video library (in case you can't make the live sessions).
As an MCAT Tutor/Advisor
I work with students one-on-one covering everything from Strategy questions as above, to Content and Passage/Exam Review.
If we worked on all this together it would certainly take more than the standard 2 hour Strategy Session ($499).
At $199/hour covering all this in such detail would easily hit 4 figures.
But I want to make sure you have no excuse for not having a proper strategy!
I want to SHOW YOU how to set up: A step-by-step plan with different types of examples to ensure you know exactly what to do in any situation.
And that’s why the bootcamp is just $249 for everything listed above.
Special Offer, for 2 days only!
Sign up today for the MCAT Strategy Bootcamp, and pay just $99! Saving of 50%!
Discount expires Tuesday, March 16th!
By signing up for the Bootcamp, you are agreeing to the terms of use
Instruction to follow via Email after Registration
What you’ll get out of the MCAT Strategy Bootcamp
After going through the Strategy Bootcamp you will:
- Have a realistic timeline – carefully laying out what you’ll do every week/month between now and your MCAT. Not based on someone else's life you saw online, but what you KNOW makes sense for you.
- Have a daily and weekly study schedule that takes your life/work/school/family/others into account – allows proper balance for everything, and even includes some time off for the things that excite and motivate you to keep you going!
- Have a confident plan for exactly what to do every single day, and IN every study block – when to watch and read, when to practice, when to review, and when to focus on past material. You’ll know how to modify this with your specific needs and MCAT prep phase.
- Have a solid backwards calendar showing exactly when you’ll be taking your practice full length exams – when you’ll review, and what you’ll do in between exams to bring up your scores. You’ll have a clear path of your target scores per practice exam based on an idealistic as well as realistic
- Most importantly, know exactly what to do AFTER every practice exam – to identify EXACTLY what you have to work on for the next 1-2 weeks to improve your biggest weaknesses and watch your full length scores improve.
- Have the confidence to tackle this exam once and for all – so you can move on to the next step in your dream of becoming a doctor.
Understanding the pieces with examples along the way is critical, but sometimes questions arise as you're putting your own schedule/calendar together.
The bootcamp includes an ‘Office Hours' type strategy session where you will hear me review study schedules, study calendars and backwards calendars with different students.
You will learn from the questions they ask and from the critiques/feedback provided through many unique and varying examples. You can apply similar feedback to your own schedules and tables!
Special Offer, for 2 day only!
Sign up today for the MCAT Strategy Bootcamp, and pay just $99! Saving of 50%!
Discount expires Tuesday, March 16th!
By signing up for the Bootcamp, you are agreeing to the terms of use
Instruction to follow via Email after Registration