You survived the hard sciences. You've even passed your math classes.
But somehow, when you see mental math on the MCAT, your mind just goes… blank.
Are you frustrated when, despite all of your studying and practicing, you still forget how to execute your math skills despite KNOWING that you've memorized the steps?
If mental math is making you question your abilities, understand that not only is this NOT your fault!
It just means the system IS WORKING!
You've been trained to memorize and regurgitate since kindergarten. You've been rewarded for knowing how to spit out facts and punch in numbers, without ever having to worry about the WHY and HOW behind it.
And suddenly, on the MCAT, you're asked to perform advanced calculations, WITHOUT a calculator.
Sure, you can memorize the equations and practice calculations, but it’s not about knowing the math or not knowing what to do.
We’re not talking about solving quadratic equations, which you’ve already seen in your undergrad general chemistry class.
We’re talking simple calculations.
Arithmetic and basic functions you learned in middle school or high school.
You're just not used to it.
Not used to doing the math this quickly, all in your head.
I find myself relying on ‘Hey Google’ so heavily, that the last time I was on an airplane without WiFi, I felt so lost not being able to quickly ask my phone for random information.
When was the last time you split a check or calculated the tip, IN YOUR HEAD?
When was the last time you had a simple math situation and didn’t automatically reach for your electronic crutch to quickly find the answer?
And now you have to learn it all for the biggest exam of your career?
No wonder you’re overwhelmed.
And it’s not even that you don’t know it!
When I ask a student, “Quick, what’s 7 x 25?”
They look at me like I’ve grown a third eye.
But when I ask “How much money do you have if you have 7 quarters?”
The thought process goes something like this:
If 4 quarters is one dollar and 3 quarters is $0.75, then I have $1.75!
There you go. 7 x 25 is 175.
You know it.
You just didn’t realize it.
The more I worked with students on the advanced sciences,
The more they kept asking me “Leah, where do I get more basic math drills and practice?”
And so,
After throwing my arms up once too often,
And saying ‘I don’t know where you’ll find what you need’,
I’ve decided to take a step back from the sciences and MCAT strategy.
And I created the very program that you wish you had access to from the moment you began your MCAT studies.
Because all of your science knowledge and passage practice goes out the window as soon as a difficult calculation costs you 3 precious minutes, or worse, causes you to panic and blank out.
If you’re tired of losing time over simple math,
If you’re hoping to understand the steps you’ve memorized up to this point,
if you're ready for math to FINALLY be the last of your MCAT concerns, I have something for you:
Foundations In MCAT Math Bootcamp – Fall Special
The Foundations in MCAT Math Bootcamp will teach you mental math like you've never seen before.
Starting with the very foundation!
Every math concept required on the MCAT, broken down from such a simple perspective of logic and understanding, along with practice and drills, to the point where execution becomes intuitive and second nature.
You'll learn the concepts. You’ll review the WHY so you don’t have to memorize without understanding. And then we’ll drill, drill, drill to ensure you really get it.
Patterns have always been my strong suit. I’m the weirdo who will point out that there are the same number of tiles or bricks in a structure, that x-number of people’s names start with the same letter, or find patterns in phone numbers.
Annoying on a personal level (just ask my family), but a blessing according to my MCAT students.
Because patterns and easy-to-understand concepts are EXACTLY what we focus on.
Included Bootcamp Sessions – Self paced pre-recorded video teaches you concepts from the ground up, with a focus on logic and understanding, followed by simplification shortcuts, plus drills, drills, drills.
- Addition and Subtraction
- Multiplication and Division
- Fractions, Decimals, Ratios and Percentages
- Exponents, Scientific Notation and Square Roots
- Solving for X – Algebra Basics
- Geometry – Area, Perimeter, Volume and More
- Trigonometry
- Graphs, Charts and Tables
- Logarithms, Antilogs, and Natural Logs
Videos range from 65 to 105 minutes to ensure you get exactly what you need in each session and include full-color PDF notes for you to follow along with.
I spend many hours working through these very tricks and tactics with my MCAT tutoring clients, who pay $199/hour.
These 9 sessions come to over a dozen hours, and I’d hate for you to pay thousands of dollars for that time.
I considered charging $499, just like I do for my science bootcamps. But I also know that THIS bootcamp is the most critical, as it will help you truly understand and make you more able to work through the sciences.
To make sure that you have nothing holding you back from building this much-needed foundation AND to ensure you have as long as you need to complete the bootcamp videos, pay just $249 $149 for the first month and then $249 $75/mo after.
Foundations Bootcamp Fall Special: $100 off
Sign up now and pay just $249 $149 for your first month and then $75 per month after.
This is a no contract, stay as long as you like, cancel anytime membership.
Discount Expires Monday night, August 22nd!
By signing up for the Bootcamp, you are agreeing to the terms of use
wow wow wow… that is where the ph comes positive. I always do on automatic and never realized it
This is way easier than the other tricks I've seen online
Wow Leah you are just full of short cuts, thank you so much
What You’ll Get Out Of the Foundations In MCAT Math Bootcamp:
This bootcamp will give you such a solid and in-depth foundation that, once you’re done with it, you will feel solid and confident in attacking any math aspect on the MCAT, WITHOUT a calculator.
- Breakdown of Every ‘Math Without A Calculator' concept for the MCAT
- Lots of drills to ensure you more than just ‘get it’
- Confidence to tackle these problems
- And so much more
Here's What's Included In the Foundations Bootcamp:
- Addition and Subtraction
- Multiplication and Division
- Fractions, Decimals, Ratios and Percentages
- Exponents, Scientific Notation and Square Roots
- Solving for X – Algebra Basics
- Geometry – Area, Perimeter, Volume and More
- Trigonometry
- Graphs, Charts and Tables
- Logarithms, Antilogs, and Natural Logs
Videos range from 65 to 105 minutes to ensure you get exactly what you need in each session and include full-color PDF notes for you to follow along with.
Foundations Bootcamp Fall Special: $100 off
Sign up now and pay just $249 $149 for your first month and then $75 per month after.
This is a no contract, stay as long as you like, cancel anytime membership.
Discount Expires Monday night, August 22nd!
By signing up for the Bootcamp, you are agreeing to the terms of use
The Leah4Sci resources significantly helped my math. I didn't understand what a log was until I watched her content. All these years the term ‘log' was just thrown around in class but never explained, and she helped me understand in mere minutes. Her math videos also helped me with exponents and scientific notations. I used to just skip math problems on the MCAT practice exams because I was so lost on how to do things without a calculator, and I found on my actual MCAT, I was able to solve (or at least think I did) many of the math questions.
Questions About the Foundations In MCAT Math Bootcamp
Question: When does the bootcamp start/end?
Instead of being a live bootcamp that you need to attend at a very specific (and potentially inconvenient) time, this is a self-paced bootcamp. Enroll for as long as you need and work through the videos at YOUR OWN PACE!
If you study best at 5am before work or 7pm after classes, you can do that. If you need to pause the video and rewatch segments over and over to ensure you truly get it, you can do that! Since every student is unique, the pre-recorded videos allow you to work around your own schedule.
Question: I’ve already watched all of your math YouTube videos. Is this any different?
I get this question a LOT (I have >300 videos on YouTube), and yes, the bootcamp videos are VERY different from what I have on my website and channel.
Think of the YouTube videos as appetizers. Short, to the point, hopefully hits the mark (I try).
And that’s it.
The Foundations bootcamp is a hard-core, ‘let’s go back to the basics and rebuild your foundation from the ground up' set of videos. With the bootcamp, there are no stones left unturned, no questions left unanswered, and you’re not left wondering ‘Okay, now what?’ Because with every concept covered, we drill, drill, drill to the point where you are not only confident with the logic BEHIND each concept, you’re actually (dare I say) excited to put this knowledge to practice.
Question: I’m testing in September. Does this make sense for me?
If you’re about to take the MCAT, ask yourself this:
“Am I comfortable enough and fast enough with my calculations? If not, would I benefit from an intense crash course with drills to help me get faster and more confident with non-calculator math?”
And more importantly, are you able to devote the time (1 video every 1-3 days) to complete the bootcamp in time? If yes, then I absolutely recommend it!
Question: I’m not testing until… (I got quite a few of these questions.) Is it worth starting now?
If you’re not taking the MCAT for a few months, or even until next year, then now is the PERFECT time to start.
Students already knee-deep in MCAT content or practice may have been struggling with their math basics the entire time.
If you’re just starting out, this is the perfect way to set yourself up for success.
No matter when you’re testing, if you can get a solid math foundation BEFORE digging into (or if you’re already studying) the sciences, you’ll ensure more confidence and success working through chemistry and physics concepts and calculations.
If not testing for a while, consider starting with the Foundations Bootcamp exclusively.
If you’re testing in the next few months, consider starting each day with a bit of math before shifting to science and CARS for the day.
Question: What’s the difference between the Foundations in MCAT Math Bootcamp and the MCAT Study Hall math videos?
There is no difference. The MCAT Study Hall is my guided MCAT prep program. As part of the content foundation, Study Hall members get access to all of my MCAT bootcamps, which include the Foundations in MCAT Math Bootcamp (this one) and the Mini MCAT Math Applications Bootcamp, along with so much more.
Study Hall members reading this: Don’t sign up as you already have access to this bootcamp in your membership.
Foundations Bootcamp Fall Special: $100 off
Sign up now and pay just $249 $149 for your first month and then $75 per month after.
This is a no contract, stay as long as you like, cancel anytime membership.
Discount Expires Monday night, August 22nd!
By signing up for the Bootcamp, you are agreeing to the terms of use
LOVED the math foundations Boot Camp. It was extremely helpful in mastering my math tricks which I struggled with for a while. Math is difficult (even with a calculator) so it was so helpful going through the topics as the boot camp progressed and making it as simple as possible!
I really enjoyed the boot camp program. The videos include numerous amazing and quick tricks that work wonders. The way Leah walks you through the problems with clarity and continuous support makes the program well worth your time. The boot camp not only thoroughly covers various topics and ideas, but the layout, style, and organization of the boot camp is highly beneficial for studying.