Organic molecules can become complicated very quickly. Skeletal structures give you a simple way to quickly represent these organic structures.
Once you've watched the tutorial video below, make sure to work through my Skeletal Structures Practice Quiz to practice going from condensed formula to line structures and back again.
This video will teach you how to quickly and easily draw skeletal structures.
You'll learn how to identify molecules when written in line structure, including molecules containing oxygen bonds, nitrogen, and more.
(Watch on YouTube: Skeletal Structures. Click cc on bottom right for video transcription.)
Links & Resources Mentioned In This Video:
- Complete Naming Tutorial Video Series + Cheat Sheet
- Drawing Chair Conformations Detailed Tutorial
- Skeletal Structures Practice Quiz
- I use/recommend the Molecular Visions Model Kit.
Here’s my unboxing video of this model kit: How to Use Your Organic Chemistry Model Kit
–> Watch Next Video: Ionic, Polar Covalent and Non-Polar Covalent Bonding Tutorial Video