Newman projections are important in organic chemistry to help you understand one aspect of molecular conformations. These videos will help you understand everything from Newman projection basics, how to convert Newman to other forms, how to analyze the energy of particular conformations, and of course how to draw an energy diagram.
Included in this series:
- Intro to Newman Projections
- Projections of Butane
- Projections of Substituted Propane
- Projections of Multi-Substituted Molecule
- Projection to Bond-Line Notation Trick
- Converting Newman to Fischer Projections
Would a Model Kit help you? Watch How to Use Your Organic Chemistry Model Kit.
Or, are you struggling with the drawings and feeling like you need some real art skills to master these Newman projections? Read Organic Chemistry or Art Class?
Video 1- Intro to Newman Projections
This video covers the following topics:
– Understanding a Newman Projection
– How to view and draw a Newman Projection
– Model kit rotational demonstration
– Staggered and eclipsed conformations
– Potential energy diagram of ethane
Video 2 – Projections of Butane
This video covers the following topics:
– Converting a sawhorse projection to Newman Projection
– Staggered and eclipsed conformations for butane
– Guache, anti, and total-eclipsed interactions
– Energy diagram for conformations of butane
Video 3 – Projections of Substituted Propane
This video covers the following topics:
– Drawing the Newman Projection from a 3-dimensional molecule in which not all of the atoms are shown
– Comparing energies of the staggered conformations
– Comparing energies of the eclipsed conformations
– 60 degree rotations for a multi-substituted molecule
Video 4 – Projections of Multi-Substituted Molecule
This video covers the following topics:
Simplifying a complex molecule so that it can be turned into a 2-carbon molecule with visible substituents which is easily turned into the Newman Projection form
Video 5- Projection to Bond-Line Notation Trick
This video teaches you my logic-based trick to quickly turn a Newman Projection into a bond-line notation or skeletal structure without the need to rely on your model kit.
Video 6 – Converting Newman to Fischer Projections
This video shows you how to convert from a Newman Projection to a Fischer projection using the long and tedious method followed by my shortcut.
Chair Conformations is another important conformational analysis topic!
Would a Model Kit help you? I use/recommend the Molecular Visions Model Kit. Here’s my unboxing video of this model kit: How to Use Your Organic Chemistry Model Kit.