EAS Series: Video 1
The topic of EAS or Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution reactions is one that covers a key reaction pathways studied in the average organic chemistry course.
While the mechanism undergoes a broken pi bond and addition to the former sp2 carbon atom, the EAS reaction is very very different from the Alkene Addition Reactions you've studied back in Orgo 1.
Here's how:
- Benzene is much less reactive than the alkene's nucleophilic pi bonds
- EAS requires a super-electrophile which is more positive/unstable compared to the standard electrophile
- The pi bond and aromaticity is restored in EAS reactions
The video below will give you a quick introduction to the EAS reaction. Also, you will see a comparison to the alkene addition reaction and explanation of the super-electropohile.
(Watch on YouTube: EAS Intro. Click CC on bottom right for transcript.)
–> Watch Next Video: EAS Mechanism and Sigma Complex Resonance