SN1 SN2 E1 Series: Video 12
The first of 3 SN2 videos, this video gives you a detailed overview of the bimolecular nucleophilic substitution reaction, reaction rate, step by step mechanism.
Pay special attention to the features that determine an SN2 reaction and the potential chirality of the final product.
(Watch on YouTube: SN2 Part 1. Click CC on bottom right for transcript.)
<– Watch Previous Video: SN1 Reaction Mechanism with Hydride Shift and Carbocation Rearrangement Part 3
–> Watch Next Video: SN2 Reaction Chirality and Mechanism of Bimolecular Substitution Part 2
This is Video 12 in the Nucleophilic Substitution and Beta Elimination Video Series. Click HERE for the entire series & cheat sheet!
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