Despite testing you on 3 years worth of undergraduate sciences, the MCAT is not an exam of mere content. Instead, it’s an exam that tests your ability to endure, reason through difficult experiments, and make a correct decision under pressure! All those hard sciences, with literally seconds to decide answers. And so, despite all the […]
Preparing for the MCAT using 5 Full Length Company Exams
Due to the overwhelmingly positive feedback on previous ‘MCAT prep and test day’ stories, here is yet another MCAT interview, this time from one of my study hall members who had taken quite a few (too many IMO) full lengths before joining the program. Please remember, this is ONE STUDENT’S perspective and what worked for […]
MCAT Full Length Practice Test Advice Video
MCAT Full Length Practice Tests – you KNOW you need them, but… When should you take them? How many should you take? How do you learn FROM each exam to slowly increase your scores? These are just some of the questions I hear on a regular basis. Below is a workshop video recording answering this […]