Kinematic equations are the foundation to mastering MCAT physics. Yes you have to ‘memorize’ and know the standard formulas, but it goes deeper than that. You have to understand the units, when to use which equation, and be VERY comfortable applying these concepts to the more advanced Physics topics on the MCAT. To help you […]
Force Of Gravity in MCAT Physics (vid 7)
Gravity is a force that we tend to take for granted. On the MCAT, you may see questions asking you to relate gravitational force to other forces. You can expect to see questions on gravity near the surface of the earth as well out away from earth – for example, an astronaut in a spaceship. […]
Newtons Third Law in MCAT Physics Forces Vid 4
Newton’s third law is possibly the most confusing, especially when you try to apply this to MCAT style physics questions. This video helps you understand the concept of Fa = -Fb from a logical perspective so that you can easily apply this to complex MCAT questions. (Watch on YouTube: Newton’s 3rd Law. Video Transcript coming […]
Newton’s First Law – MCAT Forces 2
In addition to studying forces equations for the MCAT, you must also familiarize yourself with Newton’s laws of motion. The video below explains Newton’s First Law from a perspective of practical application to MCAT style equations. As you watch the video be sure that you fully understand the logic behind each scenario setup to prevent confusion down […]
Newton’s Second Law in MCAT Physics Forces Vid 3
Newton’s Second Law is where forces in MCAT Physics starts to get exciting. Not only do you have to understand F = ma, but you must also be able to find the total force in the x-direction, y-direction, and some vector between the x and y axis. This video breaks it down with examples including […]
Forces in MCAT Physics Intro Video
The first step to conquering force equations, is to conquer F=ma. Not just with simple memorization, but with the understanding of how the units relate to each other, and how to derive different forms of this equation so that the units work out as expected. This video breaks it down for you and also shows […]
Adding and Subtracting Vectors in MCAT Translational Motion Video 3
The MCAT will test your ability to analyze single vectors, as well as solving larger problems combining 2 or more vectors. While the math for adding and subtracting vectors isn’t difficult, it’s important to understand the nature of each vector combination and the logic behind the specific equations used. The video below shows you how […]
Which Equations To Choose in MCAT Kinematics Translational Motion Video 9
As an MCAT tutor, one of the common questions I receive is “How do I know which equations to use?” With so many formulas to memorize it’s hard to keep them all straight, and even harder to pick out one from the many many formuals you’ve studied. The video below breaks down the different kinematic […]
Projectile Motion in MCAT Kinematics Translational Motion Video 8
Projectile motion questions are an interesting phenomenon in your MCAT Physics preparations. Think back to your general physics course, if you had to solve a projectile motions question you likely found yourself spending 20-30 minutes on a question complete with 3-4 unique calculations. However, you won’t have the leisure of time on your MCAT. And […]
Free Fall in MCAT Kinematics Translational Motion Video 7
Free fall is a specific application of acceleration and kinematics, where gravity is the only form of acceleration in a given problem. These questions include objects being thrown up, or objects falling down without any applied acceleration. The video below helps you understand the nature of Free Fall as it will show up on your […]