Cyclohexanes are most stable in the chair conformation. This requires a ring flip to interconvert between the 2 chair conformations, with some funky (boat) intermediates. This video walks you through the ring flip and boat conformations both with a model kit as well as how to draw the ring flip and boat on paper. (Watch […]
Molecular Visions Model Kit
Purchase your own molecular visions model kit using my amazon referral link. If you purchase through my link I do get a small commission at no extra cost to you. Watch my unboxing video How to use your Organic Chemistry model kit.
Major and Minor Resonance Contributing Structures
Orgo Basics Video Series: Video 7 You know now how to draw the resonance structures. But which one is the most accurate resonance structure? Which one is most representative of the molecule? In this video, I will explain what it means to be the most stable & least stable resonance structures and how to identify it […]
Resonance Structures Organic Chemistry Tutorial Video
Orgo Basics Video Series: Video 6 Resonance structures are alternative Lewis structures for a molecule or an ion. To draw the resonance hybrid or structures, we are moving electrons between adjacent atoms. Overwhelmed? In the video below, you will see an explanation and illustration of resonance structures and resonance hybrids step-by-step. This will help you visualize […]
Formal Charge Formula Shortcut for Organic Compounds Video
Orgo Basics Video Series: Video 4 Calculating formal charge is one of the most important skills you have to master in your organic chemistry course. At first you’ll simply calculate which atom on a polyatomic ion carries charge. But as you get into more advanced reactions you’ll be using formal charge to identify reactive intermediates […]
Formal Charge Calculation Shortcut Tutorial Video
Formal charge is one of the few equations you’ll learn in your organic chemistry course. It’s also needlessly difficult. This video helps you understand the logic behind formal charge as well as my shortcut for calculating formal charge in just a few seconds. (click to watch on YouTube. or catch the Video transcript here) Watch […]
Video Transcript : Ionic, Polar Covalent and Non-Polar Covalent Bonding in Organic Chemistry
Below is the transcript of my tutorial video in Ionic, Polar Covalent and Non-Polar Covalent Bonding. (Click here to watch on YouTube) [Start Transcript] Leah here from and in this Orgo basics video we’ll talk about bonding as it’ll show up in your Organic Chemistry course including Ionic Bonding, Polar covalent and non polar […]