Chirality/Stereochemistry Video Series: Video 7 Finding R and S configurations for non-traditional molecules can be somewhat tricky. This video teaches you how to quickly find configurations of molecules presented in a Newman Projection. Learn how to view the molecule and quickly assign priority WITHOUT the need to redraw into a sawhorse projection. (Watch on YouTube: […]
Organic Chemistry Tutorial Videos
Fischer Projection R and S Stereochemistry Trick
Chirality/Stereochemistry Video Series: Video 6 Fischer projections provide a simple 2-dimensional representation for complex 3-dimensional structures. Which is great for drawing complex molecules, but not so much fun if asked to determine R and S configurations. Many books and professors will have you redraw the Fischer projection into a 3-dimensional sawhorse or skeletal structure. I […]
Swap Method for finding R and S Configurations Chirality
Chirality/Stereochemistry Video Series: Video 4 R and S configurations are pretty straight-forward when priority group #4 is conveniently in the back of the molecule. There’s even a quick trick for when group #4 is forward (as taught in this video). But what happens when priority group #4 is in the plain of the page? Do […]
Finding R and S When Group 4 is Forward
Chirality/Stereochemistry Video Series: Video 3 This video shows you why and how to reverse R and S when group #4 is forward to help you quickly and easily master relative configurations when studying chirality and stereochemistry. (Watch on YouTube: Group 4. Click cc on bottom right for video transcription.) <– Watch Previous Video: R and […]
R and S Configuration using Cahn Ingold Prelog Priority Rules
Chirality/Stereochemistry Video Series: Video 2 Chiral carbons are identified as having 4 unique substituents. Finding the Absolute Configuration – R and S comes as a result of ranking and order substituents, specifically by noting the configuration of the top 3 groups. This video shows you how to prioritize substituents to find R and S configurations […]
Introduction to Stereochemistry Enantiomers and Chiral Molecules
Chirality/Stereochemistry Video Series: Video 1 Chirality is an exciting but potentially tricky topic in organic chemistry. Why? because it’s tough to visualize 2-dimensional drawings as a 3-dimensional structure. But don’t be like the thousands of students struggling with this topic. My chirality series will take you through this topic step by step to ensure that […]
Newman Projection of Substituted Propane Video
Newman Projection Series: Video 3 This tutorial video shows you how to find and draw a Newman Projection for a substituted propane molecule even when some of the atoms are not directly visible. (Watch on YouTube: Substituted Propane. Click CC on bottom right for transcript.) <– Watch Previous Video: Newman Projection of Butane –> Watch […]
Newman Projection Part 4 – Multi-Substituted Molecule
Newman Projection Series: Video 4 What starts out as a potentially ridiculous molecule can easily be turned into a Newman Projection if you rewrite your sawhorse or ‘sideways’ structure into a 2-carbon molecule with substituents coming off it, just as they would your Newman Projection (Watch on YouTube: Multi-Substituted. Click CC on bottom right for […]
Newman Projection to Bond-Line Notation Trick Organic Chemistry
Newman Projection Series: Video 5 Newman projections provide you with a unique perspective of analyzing atomic interactions in a molecule. However, converting between Newman Projection and Sawhorse can be somewhat tricky. This video teaches you a quick shortcut for when you need to quickly convert between Newman to Sawhorse or Sawhorse to Newman. (Watch on […]
Newman Projection of Butane
Newman Projection Series: Video 2 This tutorial video shows how to draw a Newman Projection from a Sawhorse Projection of the butane molecule, starting from both staggered and eclipsed conformations. Also explained are the different energy levels attained my rotating the molecule in 60 degree increments to 360, and plotted on a potential energy diagram. […]
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