As you’re working through the physical sciences section of your MCAT you will be faced with unit conversions asking you to multiply or divide numbers by some factor of 10. This can occur in questions such as gram to kilogram or liter to milliliter conversions. Given the time constraint on the MCAT and lack of […]
Introduction To MCAT Math Without A Calculator
While the pre-2015 MCAT only tests you on science and verbal, you are still required to perform complex mathematical calculations WITHOUT A CALCULATOR! Unfortunately, studying the sciences alone won’t help you here as the math equations tend to trip up students in many ways: You may get stuck in knowing how to apply math to the […]
Scientific Journals for MCAT Passage Reading Practice
When it comes to the MCAT sciences, content is only the first step. Content will give you a foundation for understanding what is happening in any given passage or question. But true mastery of the MCAT comes from being able to do MCAT style passages and questions. For many students, the research and data process […]
Strecker Synthesis of Amino Acids
Strecker Synthesis is one of the first laboratory methods for synthesizing an alpha amino acid. Strecker synthesis starts out with a nucleophilic addition of nitrogen to an aldehyde followed by a SECOND nucleophilic addition of cyanide (nitrile group) to the imine intermediate. This video walks you through the overall reaction followed by a step by step […]
Too Many MCAT Notes?
You’re premed! You’re a diligent student, and a hard worker. Which means… as you study you take notes. LOTS of notes! Perhaps too many? How neat are your MCAT notes? How detailed are they? As an undergraduate, I prided myself on taking very good notes. Approaching OCD level. I had a collection of colored pens […]
Banned from Taking the MCAT
As an MCAT Tutor, it’s natural to assume I’ve taken the exam for myself, maybe multiple times. “So you tutor for the MCAT? When did you take the new exam and how did you score?” Fair enough questions, right? Since the new MCAT was first rolled out in April 2015, this has been asked by […]
Which Equations To Choose in MCAT Kinematics Translational Motion Video 9
As an MCAT tutor, one of the common questions I receive is “How do I know which equations to use?” With so many formulas to memorize it’s hard to keep them all straight, and even harder to pick out one from the many many formuals you’ve studied. The video below breaks down the different kinematic […]
Projectile Motion in MCAT Kinematics Translational Motion Video 8
Projectile motion questions are an interesting phenomenon in your MCAT Physics preparations. Think back to your general physics course, if you had to solve a projectile motions question you likely found yourself spending 20-30 minutes on a question complete with 3-4 unique calculations. However, you won’t have the leisure of time on your MCAT. And […]
Free Fall in MCAT Kinematics Translational Motion Video 7
Free fall is a specific application of acceleration and kinematics, where gravity is the only form of acceleration in a given problem. These questions include objects being thrown up, or objects falling down without any applied acceleration. The video below helps you understand the nature of Free Fall as it will show up on your […]
Acceleration in MCAT Physics Translational Motion Video 6
Acceleration, that tricky little concept that shows up in just about every physics question. From the applied acceleration in kinematics, to the implied acceleration of gravity, this topic will show up again and again in your MCAT practice. With multiple related equations, it’s important that you have a proper understanding of this not-so-intuitive concepts in […]